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  • Do I need an account to place an order?
    Yes, to place your order it is required that you register with us through a few simple steps and create an account. We require only necessary contact details to provide you with a holistic experience in terms of faster checkout, delivery and tracking of your order. By creating an account, you can also save your favorite products to a Wishlist and access them later.
  • How can I place an order on your website?
    To place an order, simply browse our products, select the desired item, and click on the "Add to Cart" button. Proceed to the checkout page, provide the necessary information, and complete the payment process.
  • Can I change or cancel my order after it has been placed?
    We strive to process orders quickly, but if you need to make changes or cancel your order, please contact our customer support as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your request, but keep in mind that once the order is shipped, changes or cancellations may not be possible.
  • What are the different modes of payment available?
    Currently, we offer 2 payment methods - PayPal and PayU Payment Gateway (Net banking, credit cards, debit cards, wallets.
  • How secure is your online payment system?
    We value our customer's safety and privacy to the highest level. All your transactions and payments are processed in a secure environment by world class payment gateways, complying with the industry standards. We are not saving customer’s credit card, debit card detail with us.
  • What do I do in case my payment fails?
    If you face any of the above situations, please reach out to our Customer Care team, who would check the transaction details and send you an email regarding your payment, order status and how to proceed
  • What about the safety of the personal details that I have shared with you?
    Yes, we take the security and privacy of your information seriously. We implement industry-standard encryption protocols and adhere to strict data protection guidelines. Your personal and payment details are handled securely and will not be shared with third parties.
  • What is the difference between eau de parfum, eau de toilette, and eau de cologne?
    The main difference between these types of perfume is the concentration of essential oils. Eau de parfum has the highest concentration of essential oils and typically lasts the longest, while eau de toilette has a lower concentration of essential oils and lasts for a shorter period of time. Eau de cologne has the lowest concentration of essential oils and is generally the lightest and most refreshing option.
  • How long does a bottle of perfume last?
    The longevity of a bottle of perfume depends on the frequency of use and the amount applied each time. On average, a bottle of perfume may last for several months to a year or more with daily use.
  • Can perfume be stored in the bathroom or near a heat source?
    Perfume should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Exposure to heat or moisture can cause the perfume to break down or to lose its fragrance, so it is generally best to store it in a cool, dry place, such as a bedroom dresser or closet.
  • How do I choose the right perfume for me?
    Choosing the right perfume can be a personal and subjective decision, and the best perfume for you will depend on your individual preferences and body chemistry. You can try sampling different perfumes to find one that you like, or you can consider factors such as the occasion, the time of day, and the season when selecting a perfume.
  • Can perfume be mixed or layered with other fragrances?
    Yes, some people like to mix or layer different perfumes to create a unique scent. However, it is important to be careful when mixing fragrances, as certain combinations may not be compatible or may result in an unpleasant scent. It is generally a good idea to test a small area of skin before applying the mixed fragrances more widely.
  • How do I apply perfume?
    Perfume can be applied to pulse points, such as the wrists, neck, and behind the ears, to help the scent last longer. It is generally recommended to apply a small amount of perfume and to avoid over-applying, as too much perfume can be overpowering.
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